Very useful. Need some more fine-tuning in interface.
शब्द सर्च करने में जरुरी वर्ग के कई शब्द उथलाने पडते हैं , पोइंट आउट करनेकी सुविधा एवं सरलता बंद कर दी गई है
सम्यक् क्क् बहूपकारकः very very good
This is very good aoolication
महतुपतोगी ।
Please merge the 'shabdaroopani' app with this app- then it may most hepful for SANSKRIT LEARNERS. Please do as directed :- When we choose any one word we can see detail about that word , after merging also we can see the SHABDAROOPANI there only. And also merge VACHASPATYAN and AMARAKOSHA and other apps which are similar to this app.
Very very good
ग्रेट शब्द कोष